google-site-verification: googlebaca44933768a824.html vbCrLf - World of Warcraft 2.4.x Emulator (LFD) - Old Royal Hack Forum


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vbCrLf - World of Warcraft 2.4.x Emulator (LFD)

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    vbCrLf - World of Warcraft 2.4.x Emulator (LFD)

    ** I realize that this is a HL2/HL1 community, but there are bound to be some WoW addicts in here. I am starting a WoW emulation project.

    Recruiting developers ATM.

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      //**   /******  //****** /***   /********  /**  
       //    /////     //////  ///    ////////   //
    vbCrLf - World of Warcraft 2.4.x Emulation Project

    Quick facts:

    Supports: Patch 2.4.x (Sandbox)
    Language: Visual Basic 6
    Database: MySQL
    Development progress: 50% completed for community release
    Status: Open Source program under the GPLv2 license agreement (license can change before release, but will be open source)

    About vbCrLf:

    vbCrLf is a World of Warcraft emulator that currently supports patch 2.4.x (sandbox) mode. The program is coded in Visual Basic 6 using MySQL database server for information storage. vbCrLf uses multi-threading to overcome the limits of Visual Basic 6.

    Searching for:

    We need advanced VB6 developers. NOTHING ELSE. If you can comfortably work with VB6, WinSock, encryption/decryption/packet analysis, SQL, and resource editing, we want you.

    Send an application to: vbcrlf[AT]who[DOT]net (yeah, this is an actual e-mail address hosted at - the best personalized free web-based e-mail).

    Make sure that the message contains the following format:

    [b]Name[/b]: ----- 
    [b]Age[/b]: --
    [b]E-mail[/b]: [email protected] 
    [b]MSN[/b]: [i]Don't have MSN? Get it[/i]
    [b]Level of expertise[/b]: [i]Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, Guru[/i]
    [b]Sample of code[/b]: [i]No executables. I want a VB project with source code attached in a .ZIP file. Don't  submit simple projects. I want to see a good project that shows your level of expertise[/i]
    [b]1 word that describes you/personality[/b]: [i]This is pretty important to have filled out. I want to know  what type of person we will be working with[/i]
    [b]Dedication:[/b] [i]How much time can you dedicate?[/i]
    You will be subjected to a small test if we decide to approve your application.

    Screenshot of vbCrLf:

    Frequently asked questions and answers:

    - Q: Why Visual Basic 6? What is wrong with you?
    - A: A lot of things are wrong with us (us being the development team). We chose Visual Basic 6 to develop our emulator for a couple of reasons:
    * Legacy support (VB 6 supports new and old operating systems)
    * Low amount of runtimes (instead of requiring entire framework packages like VB .NET, VB6 only requires small runtimes like WinSock, etc...)
    * Low memory and CPU usage
    * Most comfortable language for me and the other developers
    * Powerful language (You can do anything in VB 6 that anyone can do in C++, C, Delphi, C#, VB .NET, etc...)

    - Q: How many people are working with you on the project?
    - A: Math wasn't really my strong subject in school. I think I was mentally gone for adding/subtracting numbers in pre-school. Serious answer: 3 really active developers, 2 nabs that commit every once in a while.

    - Q: Do you guys have a website?
    - A: No, basic HTML surpasses the capacity of my brain (lolololololololololol... We have not had the time to work on a website.)

    - Q: What kind of developers are you searching for?
    - A: We need people that know VB6 pretty well. You will be working with advanced stuff such as WinSock controls, encryption/decryption in VB6, etc...

    We are NOT looking for slaves - erhhmm.. database workers. Please don't waste 2 seconds of my time deleting an unnecessary email from my inbox.
    Outbreak -

    Is this better than ascent and mangos?

    Originally posted by .hack//Tsukasa
    Well i am trying to say there is no compare to RH. hl2hook is nice it's the only hack i used before i found out about private hacks.

    RH Private... that's like having sex with a nice chick


      Originally posted by Xeder View Post
      Is this better than ascent and mangos?

      No unfortunately.

      My emulator is in sandbox mode and Ascent/MaNGOs have been developed beyond that.

      Ascent has terminated (the lead developer has quit and the project is in chaos) and MaNGOs still exists (but is unstable - really unstable).
      Outbreak -


        O man Magos it's been a LONG time since I have heard anything of that.
        I have no VB6 experience but I wish you luck with the project Outbreak ^^
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