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I Need A Teacher

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    I Need A Teacher

    Hey Guys i am looking for a teacher who can learn me code i asked avitamin per pm venome pcfaker but nobody awnsert ..

    if somebody in this forum who can help me learn coding with microsoft visual studio?

    if a good one can help me i pay for lessons just pm me

    pc faker awnsered my pm in his board but now i wait 5 daysd ago and he done nothing with me and still didnt write back

    i dont wanna learn coding to sell hacks or something else i just wanna make my own hack only for me not to sell nothing....

    i hope somebody can teach me i am german and all tutorials ifind are in english and its hard to learn then if i find an english coder or maybe a ger one it will be easier to learn i think

    best regards


    Re: I Need A Teacher

    u need to learn a language like c/c++ (for hacks basicly c++) and for this there are engough german tutorials or books. u cant start immediately with coding a css hack u need to know the basics (more is better otherwise its only c&p shit)


      Re: I Need A Teacher

      can you pm me the links for the german books pls i am not good with google and serach .... only 1 book for the first will be enogh xDD


        Re: I Need A Teacher

        Venoma ain't a teacher. Same for pcfaker and avitamin. They are always ready to help but only if YOU got the knowledge.
        If you coded something that maybe doesn't work, u can send one of them ur code and they'll have look and give suggestions, but they will surely NOT teach you everything.
        They had to learn coding hacks the same way so it won't be easier for you, got it?

        I am a bad man who doesn't waste time wondering what could have been when I am what could have been and could not have been.
        I live on both sides of the fence; the grass is always green.


          Re: I Need A Teacher

          nice book for c++ basics ->
          and for hacks use sources from
          mp-hacks ( nice because its a german forum )
          and then try to understand the sources and get knowledge from it


            Re: I Need A Teacher

            I am in the same situation as you, except I know coding in C + + and I master quite well the SDL. But then, is between a Windows program coded and coded a cheat, I do not know where to start. That's it I wonder if a coder could point me in my research and my learning but no answer = /


              Re: I Need A Teacher

              Originally posted by moyo View Post
              nice book for c++ basics ->
              and for hacks use sources from
              mp-hacks ( nice because its a german forum )
              and then try to understand the sources and get knowledge from it
              except the book-thingie, this is the absolute way to get a c+p-guy...
              dont deny it, u know Im right.
              Watching sources is ok, but dont do it before learning c++ at least 1 year .. Also the chance is high that u just copy it.

              @xTc1992: get at least so "much" coding experience on ur own like lascars has and proove then that u are not another c-p-child, which starts his ULTRAWIREHOOK-c+p-site in about 1-2 weeks which gets leaked/taken down in another day... before asking such a question
              Last edited by rainysun; 07-06-2011, 03:28 PM.


                Re: I Need A Teacher

                Originally posted by rainysun View Post
                except the book-thingie, this is the absolute way to get a c+p-guy...
                dont deny it, u know Im right.

                @xTc1992: get at least so "much" coding experience on ur own like lascars has and proove then that u are not another c-p-child, which starts his ULTRAWIREHOOK-c+p-site in about 1-2 weeks which gets leaked/taken down in another day... before asking such a question
                "try to understand the sources and get knowledge from it" -> get experience how an esp works etc and then search your own stuff and start making your own cheats.
                + i just gave him some links to useful sites, where are many tutorials etc. i did NEVER say "paste your shit from this and put it in your project file, compile it, and sell it". it was more like learn from it and use it as example!
                and if you do this you have the same result in books (they have example codes, too).


                  Re: I Need A Teacher

                  dude coding is hard as hell, i dont even wanna get into it


                    Re: I Need A Teacher

                    VERY Useful :


                      Re: I Need A Teacher

                      Originally posted by moyo View Post
                      made me lol...
                      and here a german site.

                      [B?] ent_proof unstuck ?? banne: moderating royalhack is dangerous too , makes u want to go thru the window 
                      [B?] ent_proof unstuck ?? banne: i eat microwaved shits all the time xD


                        Re: I Need A Teacher

                        dont pay for a teacher... dont even pay for classes. the internet is your mentor just learn how to use it

                        here is how I learned:
                        figure out what you want to write (start basic, a calculator for example), break that idea down into sections and think out the logistics on how that particular function or section will work, ask yourself questions about how you'll structure it and in what order things will execute. once you've figured this out per-section or per-function and structured it accordingly its time to put the idea to a test -write it out (assuming you know basic i/o & syntax, which can be learned from simple basics videos)! ask questions as you go, the best place to do this is in the appropriate part of the internet -a coding forum. Join one, it'll be your haven for coding related talk and you'll make some friends along the way

                        but before you ask questions about coding, there are some rules you should know:
                        -do your homework before you ask, they wont do it for you (aka test your theory, if it fails then troubleshoot and last resort: ask questions)
                        -never ask "how do I", usually you can figure that out in a couple keystrokes (depending on how you search). instead present what you've learned and ask what you are missing
                        -and last but not least: google is your best friend

                        EDIT: and no you're not going to start coding leet hax right away, learning the language comes first (and unfortunately it takes a while, but if you have the patience for it you'll enjoy the journey)

