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[HL1] Crash before Dllmain ? :/

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    [HL1] Crash before Dllmain ? :/

    Hi :)

    It has been a long time i havent cheated so recently i was playing cs with my old hack without any problem.
    When i made it i was running on an old x86 pc but i'm now with a x64.

    I decided to edit it a lil' bit so i did the modification, compiled and everything was ok but when i tried to launch it counterstrike crash just before entering fullscreen :/

    i checked all the hooking process and it look right, i commented like 60% of the code source to notice what the part that cause the crash but nothing.
    The thing that surprise me is that the dll doesn't even go trough the Dllmain fonction :/

    I placed some log fonction and messagebox at different level in the sourcecode and even at the first line of the Dllmain nothing appear so i have to admit that im completly lost :D

    May you please help me to solve this problem ?
    Thank's and really... i'm sorry for my english :D

    Re: [HL1] Crash before Dllmain ? :/


