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Craps simplified C++

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    Craps simplified C++

    Hi, im doing some exercices from my school.

    I should use functions to make it work.

    Here is simplified craps rules:
    Basic game rules are:
    Player rolls two dice.
    When the sum is 7 or 11 on first throw, player wins.
    When the sum is 2, 3, or 12 on first throw, player lose.
    When the sum is 4,5,6,8,9, or 10 on first throw, that sum becomes the player's "point".
    Now, to win the player must continue rolling the dice until he makes "point"; however if the player roll a 7 the player lose.

    I'm having trouble with the 3th rule ( When the sum is 4,5,6,8,9, or 10 on first throw, that sum becomes the player's "point".
    Now, to win the player must continue rolling the dice until he makes "point"; however should he roll a 7 the player lose. )

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    using namespace std;
    int perdu(int &jet10, int &m1s3) // function called when player lose
        return jet10 -= m1s3;
    int gagne(int &jet10, int &m1s3) // function called when player win
        return jet10 += m1s3*2;
    int lance() // function roll.
        int de1,de2,somme;
        de1 = rand()%6+1;
        de2 = rand()%6+1;
        somme = de1 + de2;
        return somme;
    void jouerCraps() // function playcraps
        char retry; // asked for retry at the end of program
        int jetons = 10; // cash
        int parie=1; // bet
        int tmp;
        int tmp1;
    	cout<<"                    XxCRAPSxX                          "<<endl;
        while(parie !=0 && parie < jetons)
            cout << "choose amount to bet "<< 1 << " between " << jetons << " (0 for quit) : ";
            cin >> parie;
            if(parie == 0)
            if(parie > jetons)
                cout << "Your bet can't be higher than your cash"<<endl;
                goto head;
            tmp = lance();
            if((tmp == 7) || (tmp ==11)) // checking 1st rule
                cout << "Roll :" << tmp <<endl;
                cout << "You win"<<endl;
                goto debut;
            else if((tmp == 2) || (tmp == 3) || (tmp == 12)) // checking 2nd rule
                    cout << "Roll :" << tmp <<endl;
                    cout << "You lose"<<endl;
                    goto debut;
                cout << "Roll :"<< tmp <<endl; //checking 3th rule
                while(tmp1!= tmp) 
                    cout << "Roll :" << lance() <<endl;
                    tmp1 = lance();
                    if(tmp1 == 7)
                        cout << "Roll :" << tmp1 <<endl;
                        cout << "You lose"<<endl;
                        goto debut;
                cout << "Roll :" << tmp1 <<endl;
                cout << "You win"<<endl;
                goto debut;
        cout << "Retry again? : Y/N" <<endl;
        cin >> retry;
        if(retry == 'Y' or 'y')
            goto retry;
        else if(retry == 'N' or 'n')
            cout <<"Ciao!!"<<endl;
            cout<<"Write only Y for yes or N for no"<<endl;
            goto tour;
    int main()
    Old Clans:
    [Gp] => GangstaParadise(2007)
    [G-$]=> Gangster-Strike
    [F-h]=> Furyon-Hackers
    [Gp] => GangstaParadise(RIP)(2009)
    Catalyst Gold Edition (2007) ===> RoyalHack ∞

    Re: Craps simplified C++

    Ok what I first noticed.

    if(retry == 'Y' || 'y')
            goto retry;
        else if(retry == 'N' || 'n')
            cout <<"Ciao!!"<<endl;
    This is wrong, the proper syntax is
    if( statement == condition || statement == condition2 || statement == condition3 )
    Also using all those "goto"'s makes everything look messy as fuck and just complicates things.

    This here :
    cout << "Roll :" << [COLOR="#FF0000"]lance() [/COLOR]<<endl;
                    tmp1 = lance();
    Is actually calling the "lance" twice, I dont think that's what you meant since it's result is not actually applied anywhere at first call, only on the second
    tmp1 = lance();
    You're also not returning anything in your main.

    Other than these I'm not sure at the moment, what is your exact problem with the third rule?
    Last edited by mencore; 11-16-2012, 10:48 AM.
    lolmaoman: Germans are born with a lifetime x22 login engraved into their birth certificates. True story.


      Re: Craps simplified C++

      I was bored so I made a dicegame myself, maybe this helps you somehow:

      #include "StdAfx.h"
      Basic game rules are:
      Player rolls two dice.
      When the sum is 7 or 11 on first throw, player wins.
      When the sum is 2, 3, or 12 on first throw, player lose.
      When the sum is 4,5,6,8,9, or 10 on first throw, that sum becomes the player's "point".
      Now, to win the player must continue rolling the dice until he makes "point"; however if the player roll a 7 the player lose.
      bool makeBet( int &bankAcc, int &betAmount )
      	std::cin >> betAmount;	// input, if this ain't number it's gonna fuck up
      	if( betAmount > bankAcc )	// brokeass nigga
      		std::cout << "You dont have that much money, lower your bet" << std::endl;
      		return false;			// no bet set
      	else if( betAmount <= bankAcc )	// if we bet less or as much as we have
      		bankAcc -= betAmount;		// give ca$h to dealer
      		return true;				// bet has been set
      	return false;
      int rollDices( void )
      	int diceOne, diceTwo = 0;
      	diceOne = rand() % 6+1;
      	diceTwo = rand() % 6+1;
      	std::cout << "You rolled: " << (diceOne + diceTwo) << std::endl;
      	return (diceOne + diceTwo);
      void theGame( void )
      	static int currThrow		= 0;		// holds the value of dices
      	static int desiredThrow		= 0;		// if you cant win on first throw, you need to roll this
      	static bool firstThrow		= false;	// is this the first throw?
      	static int playerCash		= 10;		// starting money, 10 dollars $wag
      	static int playerBet		= 0;		// holds the amount of money we bet		
      	while( playerCash > 0 ) // do we have any money?
      		while( playerBet == 0 ) // we havent bet yet?
      			std::cout << "Bank account: " << playerCash << "$" << std::endl;
      				firstThrow = true;	// this is the first throw
      				std::cout << "Please make a bet" << std::endl;
      			} while ( makeBet( playerCash, playerBet ) == false ); // call makeBet, check it's returnvalue until it's true and we have set a bet
      		if( firstThrow ) // this is the first throw
      			currThrow = rollDices(); // give currThrow a value by calling rollDices
      			if( currThrow == 7 || currThrow == 11 ) // if first throw is 7 or 11, it means we won!
      				std::cout << "You won: " << (playerBet * 2 ) << "$" << std::endl;
      				playerCash += (playerBet * 2); // add bet * 2 into our bank
      				playerBet = 0; // set playerBet to 0 so we go back to loop where we must bet
      			else if( currThrow == 2 || currThrow == 3 || currThrow == 12 ) // 2,3 or 12 and we lose
      				std::cout << "You lost" << std::endl;
      				playerBet = 0; // back to betting
      			else // 1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10?
      				desiredThrow = currThrow;	// we need to roll our previous roll again to win
      				std::cout << "Try to roll " << desiredThrow << std::endl;
      				firstThrow = false;			// set firstThrow to false, this is now second roll already
      		else	// second throw
      			currThrow = rollDices();	// throw again
      			if( currThrow == 7 ) // 7 loses
      				std::cout << "Bad luck, rolled 7!" << std::endl;
      				playerBet = 0; // back to betting
      			else if( currThrow == desiredThrow ) // same throw as before, #winning
      				std::cout << "Congratulations, you won!" << std::endl;
      				std::cout << "You won: " << (playerBet * 2 ) << "$" << std::endl;
      				playerCash += (playerBet * 2); // add bet * 2 into our bank
      				playerBet = 0;	// back to betting
      				std::cout << "Bad roll, rolling again..." << std::endl;
      				playerCash -= playerBet; // rolling costs of course, this makes the game harder, however if you dont want it, just comment out this line
      	// we ran out of money, exit program
      int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
      	srand( time(NULL) ); // random seed
      	theGame();			// main game function
      	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      I tried to comment it as good as possible and name variables + functions so it's easy to understand what's happening.
      Last edited by mencore; 11-16-2012, 01:23 PM.
      lolmaoman: Germans are born with a lifetime x22 login engraved into their birth certificates. True story.


        Re: Craps simplified C++

        Originally posted by mencore View Post
        I was bored so I made a dicegame myself, maybe this helps you somehow:

        #include "StdAfx.h"
        Basic game rules are:
        Player rolls two dice.
        When the sum is 7 or 11 on first throw, player wins.
        When the sum is 2, 3, or 12 on first throw, player lose.
        When the sum is 4,5,6,8,9, or 10 on first throw, that sum becomes the player's "point".
        Now, to win the player must continue rolling the dice until he makes "point"; however if the player roll a 7 the player lose.
        bool makeBet( int &bankAcc, int &betAmount )
        	std::cin >> betAmount;	// input, if this ain't number it's gonna fuck up
        	if( betAmount > bankAcc )	// brokeass nigga
        		std::cout << "You dont have that much money, lower your bet" << std::endl;
        		return false;			// no bet set
        	else if( betAmount <= bankAcc )	// if we bet less or as much as we have
        		bankAcc -= betAmount;		// give ca$h to dealer
        		return true;				// bet has been set
        	return false;
        int rollDices( void )
        	int diceOne, diceTwo = 0;
        	diceOne = rand() % 6+1;
        	diceTwo = rand() % 6+1;
        	std::cout << "You rolled: " << (diceOne + diceTwo) << std::endl;
        	return (diceOne + diceTwo);
        void theGame( void )
        	static int currThrow		= 0;		// holds the value of dices
        	static int desiredThrow		= 0;		// if you cant win on first throw, you need to roll this
        	static bool firstThrow		= false;	// is this the first throw?
        	static int playerCash		= 10;		// starting money, 10 dollars $wag
        	static int playerBet		= 0;		// holds the amount of money we bet		
        	while( playerCash > 0 ) // do we have any money?
        		while( playerBet == 0 ) // we havent bet yet?
        			std::cout << "Bank account: " << playerCash << "$" << std::endl;
        				firstThrow = true;	// this is the first throw
        				std::cout << "Please make a bet" << std::endl;
        			} while ( makeBet( playerCash, playerBet ) == false ); // call makeBet, check it's returnvalue until it's true and we have set a bet
        		if( firstThrow ) // this is the first throw
        			currThrow = rollDices(); // give currThrow a value by calling rollDices
        			if( currThrow == 7 || currThrow == 11 ) // if first throw is 7 or 11, it means we won!
        				std::cout << "You won: " << (playerBet * 2 ) << "$" << std::endl;
        				playerCash += (playerBet * 2); // add bet * 2 into our bank
        				playerBet = 0; // set playerBet to 0 so we go back to loop where we must bet
        			else if( currThrow == 2 || currThrow == 3 || currThrow == 12 ) // 2,3 or 12 and we lose
        				std::cout << "You lost" << std::endl;
        				playerBet = 0; // back to betting
        			else // 1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10?
        				desiredThrow = currThrow;	// we need to roll our previous roll again to win
        				std::cout << "Try to roll " << desiredThrow << std::endl;
        				firstThrow = false;			// set firstThrow to false, this is now second roll already
        		else	// second throw
        			currThrow = rollDices();	// throw again
        			if( currThrow == 7 ) // 7 loses
        				std::cout << "Bad luck, rolled 7!" << std::endl;
        				playerBet = 0; // back to betting
        			else if( currThrow == desiredThrow ) // same throw as before, #winning
        				std::cout << "Congratulations, you won!" << std::endl;
        				std::cout << "You won: " << (playerBet * 2 ) << "$" << std::endl;
        				playerCash += (playerBet * 2); // add bet * 2 into our bank
        				playerBet = 0;	// back to betting
        				std::cout << "Bad roll, rolling again..." << std::endl;
        				playerCash -= playerBet; // rolling costs of course, this makes the game harder, however if you dont want it, just comment out this line
        	// we ran out of money, exit program
        int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
        	srand( time(NULL) ); // random seed
        	theGame();			// main game function
        	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        I tried to comment it as good as possible and name variables + functions so it's easy to understand what's happening.

        good guy m3nc0re
        Pressing thanks helps alot!


          Re: Craps simplified C++

          Originally posted by mencore View Post
          I was bored so I made a dicegame myself, maybe this helps you somehow:

          #include "StdAfx.h"
          Basic game rules are:
          Player rolls two dice.
          When the sum is 7 or 11 on first throw, player wins.
          When the sum is 2, 3, or 12 on first throw, player lose.
          When the sum is 4,5,6,8,9, or 10 on first throw, that sum becomes the player's "point".
          Now, to win the player must continue rolling the dice until he makes "point"; however if the player roll a 7 the player lose.
          bool makeBet( int &bankAcc, int &betAmount )
          	std::cin >> betAmount;	// input, if this ain't number it's gonna fuck up
          	if( betAmount > bankAcc )	// brokeass nigga
          		std::cout << "You dont have that much money, lower your bet" << std::endl;
          		return false;			// no bet set
          	else if( betAmount <= bankAcc )	// if we bet less or as much as we have
          		bankAcc -= betAmount;		// give ca$h to dealer
          		return true;				// bet has been set
          	return false;
          int rollDices( void )
          	int diceOne, diceTwo = 0;
          	diceOne = rand() % 6+1;
          	diceTwo = rand() % 6+1;
          	std::cout << "You rolled: " << (diceOne + diceTwo) << std::endl;
          	return (diceOne + diceTwo);
          void theGame( void )
          	static int currThrow		= 0;		// holds the value of dices
          	static int desiredThrow		= 0;		// if you cant win on first throw, you need to roll this
          	static bool firstThrow		= false;	// is this the first throw?
          	static int playerCash		= 10;		// starting money, 10 dollars $wag
          	static int playerBet		= 0;		// holds the amount of money we bet		
          	while( playerCash > 0 ) // do we have any money?
          		while( playerBet == 0 ) // we havent bet yet?
          			std::cout << "Bank account: " << playerCash << "$" << std::endl;
          				firstThrow = true;	// this is the first throw
          				std::cout << "Please make a bet" << std::endl;
          			} while ( makeBet( playerCash, playerBet ) == false ); // call makeBet, check it's returnvalue until it's true and we have set a bet
          		if( firstThrow ) // this is the first throw
          			currThrow = rollDices(); // give currThrow a value by calling rollDices
          			if( currThrow == 7 || currThrow == 11 ) // if first throw is 7 or 11, it means we won!
          				std::cout << "You won: " << (playerBet * 2 ) << "$" << std::endl;
          				playerCash += (playerBet * 2); // add bet * 2 into our bank
          				playerBet = 0; // set playerBet to 0 so we go back to loop where we must bet
          			else if( currThrow == 2 || currThrow == 3 || currThrow == 12 ) // 2,3 or 12 and we lose
          				std::cout << "You lost" << std::endl;
          				playerBet = 0; // back to betting
          			else // 1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10?
          				desiredThrow = currThrow;	// we need to roll our previous roll again to win
          				std::cout << "Try to roll " << desiredThrow << std::endl;
          				firstThrow = false;			// set firstThrow to false, this is now second roll already
          		else	// second throw
          			currThrow = rollDices();	// throw again
          			if( currThrow == 7 ) // 7 loses
          				std::cout << "Bad luck, rolled 7!" << std::endl;
          				playerBet = 0; // back to betting
          			else if( currThrow == desiredThrow ) // same throw as before, #winning
          				std::cout << "Congratulations, you won!" << std::endl;
          				std::cout << "You won: " << (playerBet * 2 ) << "$" << std::endl;
          				playerCash += (playerBet * 2); // add bet * 2 into our bank
          				playerBet = 0;	// back to betting
          				std::cout << "Bad roll, rolling again..." << std::endl;
          				playerCash -= playerBet; // rolling costs of course, this makes the game harder, however if you dont want it, just comment out this line
          	// we ran out of money, exit program
          int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
          	srand( time(NULL) ); // random seed
          	theGame();			// main game function
          	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
          I tried to comment it as good as possible and name variables + functions so it's easy to understand what's happening.
          Thank you mencore

          This will help me a lot.

          I'm just beginner & this is my first experience with functions.
          Old Clans:
          [Gp] => GangstaParadise(2007)
          [G-$]=> Gangster-Strike
          [F-h]=> Furyon-Hackers
          [Gp] => GangstaParadise(RIP)(2009)
          Catalyst Gold Edition (2007) ===> RoyalHack ∞

