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ok so found new visual

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    ok so found new visual

    this visual may not be new to some ppl but whatever. i was looking thru the newest sdk today and i found shake.h. i opened it and i was curious to see wat it could do. so i include it in my main header for my cheat and made a pointer in my visual hooking function (Push3DView) to the ScreenShake_t function. then i messed around with the funcs. this is wat i put in:

    ScreenShake_t gScreenShake;
    gScreenShake.amplitude = 5;
    gScreenShake.frequency = 5;
    gScreenShake.duration = 6;
    when i join a game my screen don't shake. does anyone know how to fix this? maybe i have to put it in createmove? it wouldnt make sense tho... maybe the function doesnt work at all? maybe the measure of time is milliseconds?
    b 2 k 5: baeh, a dead fly in my cola, brb

    probably a function call that is needed,
    i meant you are filling a struct,
    but is this struct used by anything or just defined somewhere in the code ...

    sv_cheats 1 & shake will does it
    & dispacthusermessage -> netmsg 11 is shaking (maybe just hl2mp idk)

    gibs coins @


      Originally posted by νзηοма View Post
      probably a function call that is needed,
      i meant you are filling a struct,
      but is this struct used by anything or just defined somewhere in the code ...

      sv_cheats 1 & shake will does it
      & dispacthusermessage -> netmsg 11 is shaking (maybe just hl2mp idk)
      well, seeing that there's no shake.cpp that might be the problem. so yes they're just defined. ya, thats probably the problem
      i have sv_cheats bypassed, so its on 1
      b 2 k 5: baeh, a dead fly in my cola, brb


        Originally posted by demize View Post
        well, seeing that there's no shake.cpp that might be the problem. so yes they're just defined. ya, thats probably the problem
        i have sv_cheats bypassed, so its on 1
        Dlight's have a thing where you can allocate a struct and then it calls anything in that struct. I imagine there is a thing for allocating the shake..
        Mr.Punch : hay how I go spec lul
        Mr.Punch left the game (Disconnect by user.)
        "Did you just eat a bowl of Alphabets and vomit on the Youtube replies?"


          abstract_class IViewEffects
          	// Initialize subsystem
          	virtual void	Init( void ) = 0;
          	// Initialize after each level change
          	virtual void	LevelInit( void ) = 0;
          	// Called each frame to determine the current view fade parameters ( color and alpha )
          	virtual void	GetFadeParams( int context, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b, unsigned char *a, bool *blend ) = 0;
          	// Apply directscreen shake
          	virtual void	Shake( ScreenShake_t &data ) = 0;
          	// Apply direct screen fade
          	virtual void	Fade( ScreenFade_t &data ) = 0;
          	// Clear all permanent fades in our fade list
          	virtual void	ClearPermanentFades( void ) = 0;
          	// Clear all fades in our fade list
          	virtual void	ClearAllFades( void ) = 0;
          	// Compute screen shake values for this frame
          	virtual void	CalcShake( void ) = 0;
          	// Apply those values to the passed in vector(s).
          	virtual void	ApplyShake( Vector& origin, QAngle& angles, float factor ) = 0;
          	// Save / Restore
          	virtual void	Save( ISave *pSave ) = 0;
          	virtual void	Restore( IRestore *pRestore, bool ) = 0;
          extern IViewEffects *vieweffects;
          #endif // IVIEWEFFECTS_H
          Maybe this can help you some.
          /* fibre */


            240FDA14     33C0                XOR EAX,EAX                                ; engine.20553288
            240FDA16     894424 04           MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4],EAX               ; engine.20553288
            240FDA1A     894424 08           MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8],EAX               ; engine.20553288
            240FDA1E     66:894424 0C        MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+C],AX
            240FDA23     884C24 0A           MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+A],CL
            240FDA27     884C24 0B           MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+B],CL
            240FDA2B     884C24 0C           MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+C],CL
            240FDA2F     8B0D 48853924       MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[24398548]            ; IViewEffects!
            240FDA35     8D4424 04           LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
            240FDA39     C64424 0D FF        MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+D],0FF
            240FDA3E     66:C74424 04 000A   MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+4],0A00
            240FDA45     66:C74424 06 0002   MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+6],200
            240FDA4C     66:C74424 08 1100   MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+8],11
            240FDA53     8B11                MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]                 ; engine.20316F54
            240FDA55     50                  PUSH EAX                                   ; engine.20553288
            240FDA56     FF52 10             CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+10]                 ; Call to vieweffects->Fade();
            240FDA59     8B0D 6C0C3924       MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[24390C6C]            ; engine.20366E80
            240FDA5F     8B51 04             MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+4]               ; engine.2033B354
            240FDA62     52                  PUSH EDX                                   ; engine.20316F54
            240FDA63     68 E0B43124         PUSH client.2431B4E0                       ; ASCII "%i gametitle fade\n"
            240FDA68     FF15 6C012F24       CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&tier0.Msg>]           ; tier0.Msg
            240FDA6E     83C4 08             ADD ESP,8
            240FDA71     5E                  POP ESI                                    ; ntdll.7C91DF4A
            240FDA72     83C4 0C             ADD ESP,0C
            240FDA75     C2 0400             RETN 4

            pViewEffects = (IViewEffects*) 0x24398548;

            try it, it could be wrong tho because i havent spent too much time with it :D


              thank u guys so much! bananasplit
              b 2 k 5: baeh, a dead fly in my cola, brb


                Originally posted by Lawgiver View Post
                240FDA14     33C0                XOR EAX,EAX                                ; engine.20553288
                240FDA16     894424 04           MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4],EAX               ; engine.20553288
                240FDA1A     894424 08           MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8],EAX               ; engine.20553288
                240FDA1E     66:894424 0C        MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+C],AX
                240FDA23     884C24 0A           MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+A],CL
                240FDA27     884C24 0B           MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+B],CL
                240FDA2B     884C24 0C           MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+C],CL
                240FDA2F     8B0D 48853924       MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[24398548]            ; IViewEffects!
                240FDA35     8D4424 04           LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
                240FDA39     C64424 0D FF        MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+D],0FF
                240FDA3E     66:C74424 04 000A   MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+4],0A00
                240FDA45     66:C74424 06 0002   MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+6],200
                240FDA4C     66:C74424 08 1100   MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+8],11
                240FDA53     8B11                MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]                 ; engine.20316F54
                240FDA55     50                  PUSH EAX                                   ; engine.20553288
                240FDA56     FF52 10             CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+10]                 ; Call to vieweffects->Fade();
                240FDA59     8B0D 6C0C3924       MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[24390C6C]            ; engine.20366E80
                240FDA5F     8B51 04             MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+4]               ; engine.2033B354
                240FDA62     52                  PUSH EDX                                   ; engine.20316F54
                240FDA63     68 E0B43124         PUSH client.2431B4E0                       ; ASCII "%i gametitle fade\n"
                240FDA68     FF15 6C012F24       CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&tier0.Msg>]           ; tier0.Msg
                240FDA6E     83C4 08             ADD ESP,8
                240FDA71     5E                  POP ESI                                    ; ntdll.7C91DF4A
                240FDA72     83C4 0C             ADD ESP,0C
                240FDA75     C2 0400             RETN 4

                pViewEffects = (IViewEffects*) 0x24398548;

                try it, it could be wrong tho because i havent spent too much time with it :D
                You have too much time on your hands, gtfo my forums. moooody
                Mr.Punch : hay how I go spec lul
                YALL NIGGAS USIN AIMBOT : F10
                Mr.Punch left the game (Disconnect by user.)
                "Did you just eat a bowl of Alphabets and vomit on the Youtube replies?"


                  Originally posted by kangaroux View Post
                  You have too much time on your hands, gtfo my forums. moooody
                  No sry, actually i only copy and paste as we all know, huh E.? =)


                    Originally posted by Lawgiver View Post
                    No sry, actually i only copy and paste as we all know, huh E.? =)

                    lol yeh but he might not know things that happen behind the public view,
                    forgive him for being ignorant about all this =)


                    gibs coins @


                      Oh well, here is the full code to implement a bit screenshaking:
                      		// fill struct
                      		ScreenShake_t ShakeIt;
                      		ShakeIt.amplitude = 20;
                      		ShakeIt.command   = SHAKE_START;
                      		ShakeIt.frequency = 20;
                      		ShakeIt.duration  = 1000;
                      		pViewEffects = *(IViewEffects**) 0x24398548;
                      		pViewEffects->Shake( ShakeIt );


                        Originally posted by Lawgiver View Post
                        Oh well, here is the full code to implement a bit screenshaking:
                        		// fill struct
                        		ScreenShake_t ShakeIt;
                        		ShakeIt.amplitude = 20;
                        		ShakeIt.command   = SHAKE_START;
                        		ShakeIt.frequency = 20;
                        		ShakeIt.duration  = 1000;
                        		pViewEffects = *(IViewEffects**) 0x24398548;
                        		pViewEffects->Shake( ShakeIt );
                        Nice, H4L VIP has new cool feature soon, amirite Sir Jorgenz? :shifty:
                        lolmaoman: Germans are born with a lifetime x22 login engraved into their birth certificates. True story.


                          Originally posted by mencore View Post
                          Nice, H4L VIP has new cool feature soon, amirite Sir Jorgenz? :shifty:
                          Originally posted by v3n0m4

                          Sam: All us PC boys will go to hell
                          wtf: hahahaha
                          Sam: according to the bible masturbation is not aloud
                          wtf: so much win for the guy who made internet a reality
                          wtf: he damned everyone on earth at once
                          Sam: lmao
                          wtf: mass banhammer
                          wtf: forfeit your souls idiots clik on me instead
                          Sam: BOOM
                          Sam: BAN HAMMER
                          wtf: but for sure all women come too
                          wtf: wich will make it a very cool place
                          Sam: all hot women
                          Sam: and ugly women
                          Sam: to make us food
                          wtf: forced to rape all these bitch for eternity sounds like a great scenario to me
                          Sam: sandwiches
                          wtf: sandwich for us semen for them
                          wtf: in bread maybe semwich


                            Originally posted by mencore View Post
                            Nice, H4L VIP has new cool feature soon, amirite Sir Jorgenz? :shifty:
                            That smiley makes me rofl
                            Mr.Punch : hay how I go spec lul
                            YALL NIGGAS USIN AIMBOT : F10
                            Mr.Punch left the game (Disconnect by user.)
                            "Did you just eat a bowl of Alphabets and vomit on the Youtube replies?"

