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    -Analysing the Code
    -Hooking BitBlt for Clean Screenshots.



    Step 1) Analysing

    First open Example.exe normally to see what it does. It should open a window
    showing "Waiting for Counter-Strike Source". After starting the Game it prints "Good Luck" and says "Time: x", x stands for a random number.
    After x MS it tells us that it sucessfully saved a Screenshot in C:\picx.bmp.

    After we now what it does we can start olly and open Example.exe.
    Than we scroll down until we find our main body.

    004118B0 > 55               PUSH EBP
    004118B1   8BEC             MOV EBP,ESP
    004118B3   81EC D8010000    SUB ESP,1D8
    004118B9   53               PUSH EBX
    004118BA   56               PUSH ESI
    004118BB   57               PUSH EDI
    004118BC   8DBD 28FEFFFF    LEA EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-1D8]
    004118C2   B9 76000000      MOV ECX,76
    004118C7   B8 CCCCCCCC      MOV EAX,CCCCCCCC
    004118CC   F3:AB            REP STOS DWORD PTR ES:[EDI]
    004118CE   A1 08704100      MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[__security_cookie]
    004118D3   33C5             XOR EAX,EBP
    004118D5   8945 FC          MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4],EAX
    004118D8   6A 00            PUSH 0
    004118DA   E8 E1010000      CALL Example.time
    004118DF   83C4 04          ADD ESP,4
    004118E2   8BF4             MOV ESI,ESP
    004118E4   50               PUSH EAX
    004118E5   FF15 F0834100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR90D.srand>]    ; MSVCR90D.srand
    004118EB   83C4 04          ADD ESP,4
    004118EE   3BF4             CMP ESI,ESP
    004118F0   E8 8CF8FFFF      CALL Example.00411181
    004118F5   8BF4             MOV ESI,ESP
    004118F7   68 64584100      PUSH OFFSET Example.??_C@_0CE@NBDDCKBH@W>; ASCII "Waiting for Counter-Strike Source 
    004118FC   FF15 F4834100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR90D.printf>]   ; MSVCR90D.printf
    00411902   83C4 04          ADD ESP,4
    00411905   3BF4             CMP ESI,ESP
    00411907   E8 75F8FFFF      CALL Example.00411181
    0041190C   8BF4             MOV ESI,ESP
    0041190E   68 48584100      PUSH OFFSET Example.??_C@_0BG@LECJLHBI@C>; ASCII "Counter-Strike Source"
    00411913   6A 00            PUSH 0
    00411915   FF15 5C844100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&USER32.FindWindowA>>; USER32.FindWindowA
    We see our Waiting for Counter-Strike Source String and the code after it. I guess u alrdy mentioned the FindWindowA Function.. :D

    Scroll down again until you find:
    0041195F   FF15 F8834100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR90D.rand>]     ; MSVCR90D.rand
    00411965   3BF4             CMP ESI,ESP
    00411967   E8 15F8FFFF      CALL Example.00411181
    0041196C   99               CDQ
    0041196D   B9 60EA0000      MOV ECX,[COLOR="DarkOrange"]0EA60[/COLOR]
    00411972   F7F9             IDIV ECX
    00411974   81C2 10270000    ADD EDX,[COLOR="DarkOrange"]2710[/COLOR]
    This is where the random time is generated before it calls the Screenshot function.

    The range is from 10.000 up to 60.000. So it makes every 10-60 seconds 1 screeny.
    (0EA60 = 60000MS, 2710 = 10000MS).

    Scroll down again.

    004119A6   50               PUSH EAX
    004119A7   FF15 D4824100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.Sleep>]    ; kernel32.Sleep
    004119AD   3BF4             CMP ESI,ESP
    004119AF   E8 CDF7FFFF      CALL Example.00411181
    004119B4   8BF4             MOV ESI,ESP
    004119B6   8B85 ECFEFFFF    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-114]
    004119BC   50               PUSH EAX
    004119BD   68 1C584100      PUSH OFFSET Example.??_C@_0N@HBMLDDJC@C?>; ASCII "C:/pic%i.bmp"
    004119C2   8D8D F8FEFFFF    LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-108]
    004119C8   51               PUSH ECX
    004119C9   FF15 FC834100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR90D.sprintf>]  ; MSVCR90D.sprintf
    004119CF   83C4 0C          ADD ESP,0C
    004119D2   3BF4             CMP ESI,ESP
    004119D4   E8 A8F7FFFF      CALL Example.00411181
    004119D9   8BF4             MOV ESI,ESP
    004119DB   8D85 F8FEFFFF    LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-108]
    004119E1   50               PUSH EAX
    004119E2   68 00584100      PUSH OFFSET Example.??_C@_0BF@GDEGMAHF@S>; ASCII "Screenshot taken %s
    004119E7   FF15 F4834100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR90D.printf>]   ; MSVCR90D.printf
    004119ED   83C4 08          ADD ESP,8
    004119F0   3BF4             CMP ESI,ESP
    004119F2   E8 8AF7FFFF      CALL Example.00411181
    004119F7   8D85 F8FEFFFF    LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-108]
    [COLOR="SandyBrown"]004119FD   50               PUSH EAX
    004119FE   6A 00            PUSH 0
    00411A00   E8 D7F6FFFF      CALL Example.004110DC[/COLOR]
    We see the Sleep in the beginning. This is the random Sleep time.
    The important part is Orange. This is where we acutally call our Screenshot Function. (1 Param is The Handle (HWND_DESKTOP = 0), 2 Param is the Path stored in EAX)
    Go To Expression 004110DC.

    We should see this now:

    004110DC   E9 9F030000      JMP Example.SaveScreen
    Seems to be right. Double click it to see functions adress. (JMP 00411480)

    Now go to Expression 00411480.

    We are in Our Screenshot function now (See the GetSystemMetrics).

    00411480 > 55               PUSH EBP
    00411481   8BEC             MOV EBP,ESP
    00411483   81EC 9C010000    SUB ESP,19C
    00411489   53               PUSH EBX
    0041148A   56               PUSH ESI
    0041148B   57               PUSH EDI
    0041148C   8DBD 64FEFFFF    LEA EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-19C]
    00411492   B9 67000000      MOV ECX,67
    00411497   B8 CCCCCCCC      MOV EAX,CCCCCCCC
    0041149C   F3:AB            REP STOS DWORD PTR ES:[EDI]
    0041149E   8BF4             MOV ESI,ESP
    004114A0   6A 00            PUSH 0
    004114A2   FF15 50844100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&USER32.GetSystemMet>; USER32.GetSystemMetrics
    004114A8   3BF4             CMP ESI,ESP
    004114AA   E8 D2FCFFFF      CALL Example.00411181
    004114AF   8945 F8          MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-8],EAX
    004114B2   8BF4             MOV ESI,ESP
    004114B4   6A 01            PUSH 1
    004114B6   FF15 50844100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&USER32.GetSystemMet>; USER32.GetSystemMetrics

    Scroll down till we got the line
    00411608   FF15 80824100    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&GDI32.BitBlt>]      ; GDI32.BitBlt
    You alrdy knew it huh? ;)

    Step 2) Idea

    Before we start hooking now, we need an idea what we are doing next and how to bypass this. There are many methods of course but I want to show you the usual way to get clean Screenshots easily.

    1. We Hook BitBlt
    2. Everytime BitBlt is called we want the hack to active his "panic" mode and deactivate it after we got our clean Screenshot.

    Step 3) Coding

    First of all create a new empty DLL

    Than we create our BitBlt typedef four detours

    typedef BOOL  (WINAPI* oBitBlt)( HDC, int, int,int,int,HDC,int,int, DWORD);
    oBitBlt pBitBlt;
    Our new function:

    bool WINAPI myBitBlt(  HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HDC hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, DWORD dwRop)
    	if(nWidth >= 320 && nHeight >= 320)
    		keybd_event(VK_END, 0, 0, 0);
    		keybd_event(VK_END, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
    		bool ret = pBitBlt(hdcDest,nXDest,nYDest,nWidth,nHeight,hdcSrc,nXSrc,nYSrc,dwRop);
    		keybd_event(VK_END, 0, 0, 0);
    		keybd_event(VK_END, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
    		return ret;
    	bool ret = pBitBlt(hdcDest,nXDest,nYDest,nWidth,nHeight,hdcSrc,nXSrc,nYSrc,dwRop);
    	return ret;
    In my example VK_END (End) is the panic key. (List of Virtual Key Codes)

    U see we check if the size is bigger than 320*320. Everything below wont be a screenshot. Than after the check we press the key with keybd_event(),
    than we take our screenshot (clean now because we activatet hacks panic mode),and than right after the original BitBlt we reactivate the hacks features.
    (The original idea of using panic key is from EyePatch).

    And the Hook ofcourse :D
    pBitBlt = (oBitBlt)DetourFunction((LPBYTE)DetourFindFunction("Gdi32.dll","BitBlt"), (LPBYTE)myBitBlt);
    Now u simply have to check a keypress in ur hack and disable Esp&Menu etc than. Dont forget to reset Materials.

    i search a good source code for Dods with aimbot and other stuff i know this is the same engine as counter strike source but css hacks are not work in dods.

    Nice tutorial Floxenz :)
    lolmaoman: Germans are born with a lifetime x22 login engraved into their birth certificates. True story.


      uh oh. Shouldnt of posted this lol

      gj tho:)


        good post

        Originally posted by doey55 View Post
        uh oh. Shouldnt of posted this lol

        gj tho:)
        why not open source its how the world should be


          You mean open copypaste mode?


            Originally posted by doey55 View Post
            You mean open copypaste mode?
            Anti pay2cheat mode


              awsome tut thank you.

