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The epic convos thread !

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    The epic convos thread !

    Ok so I start :)
    Any localhost & lovers will liek this one

    * [COLOR=#ee82ee]bitchchecker[/COLOR] ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#) 
        * [COLOR=#ee82ee]bitchchecker[/COLOR] ([email protected]) has joined #stopHipHop 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] why do you kick me 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] can't you discus normally 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] answer! 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] we didn't kick you 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] you had a ping timeout: * bitchchecker ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#) 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] what ping man 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] the timing of my pc is right 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] i even have dst 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] you banned me 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] amit it you son of a bitch 
        [COLOR=#0000ff]<HopperHunter|afk>[/COLOR] LOL 
        [COLOR=#0000ff]<HopperHunter|afk>[/COLOR] shit you're stupid, DST^^ 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] shut your mouth WE HAVE DST! 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] for two weaks already 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] when you start your pc there is a message from windows that DST is applied. 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] You're a real computer expert 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] shut up i hack you 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] ok, i'm quiet, hope you don't show us how good a hacker you are ^^ 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] tell me your network number man then you're dead 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] Eh, it's 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] or maybe 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] yes exactly that's it: I'm waiting for you great attack 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] in five minutes your hard drive is deleted 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] Now I'm frightened 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] shut up you'll be gone 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] i have a program where i enter your ip and you're dead 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] say goodbye 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] to whom? 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] to you man 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] buy buy 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] I'm shivering thinking about such great Hack0rs like you 
        * [COLOR=#ee82ee]bitchchecker[/COLOR] ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#) 
    [COLOR=#8b4513][B]What happened is clear: That guy entered his own IP-Adress in his mighty  Hack-Tool and crashed his own PC. This way, the attack on my PC was a  failure. I was already starting to think that I did not have to worry,  but a good hacker never calls it a day. Two minutes later he returned. [/B][/COLOR]
        * [COLOR=#ee82ee]bitchchecker[/COLOR] ([email protected]) has joined #stopHipHop 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] dude be happy my pc crashed otherwise you'd be gone 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] lol 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] bitchchecker: Then try hacking me again... I still have the same IP: 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] you're so stupid man 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] say buy buy 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] ah, [Please control your cussing] off 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] buy buy elch 
        * [COLOR=#ee82ee]bitchchecker[/COLOR] ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#) 
    [COLOR=#8b4513][B]There was a tension in the room... Would he manage, after these two  failures, to crash my PC? I waited. Nothing happened. I felt relieve...  Six minutes passed by until he prepared the next wave of attack. Being a  Hacker, who usually cracks whole data centers, he knew what his problem  was now. [/B][/COLOR]
        * [COLOR=#ee82ee]bitchchecker[/COLOR] ([email protected]) has joined #stopHipHop 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] elch you son of a bitch 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] bitchchecker how old are you? 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] What's up bitchchecker? 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] you have a frie wal 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] fire wall 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] maybe, i don't know 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] i'm 26 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] such behaviour with 26? 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] how did you find out that I have a firewall? 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] tststs this is not very nice missy 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] because your gay fire wall directed my turn off signal back to me 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] be a man turn that shit off 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] cool, didn't know this was possible. 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] thn my virus destroys your pc man 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] are you hacking yourselves? 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] yes bitchchecker is trying to hack me 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] he bitchchecker if you're a hacker you have to get around a firewall even i can do that 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] yes man i hack the elch but the sucker has a fire wall the 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] what firewall do you have? 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] like a girl 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] firewall is normal a normal hacker has to be able to get past girl^^ 
        [COLOR=#ff8c00]<He>[/COLOR] Bitch give yourself a jackson and chill you're letting  them provoce you and give those little girls new material all the time 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] turn the firewall off then i send you a virus [Please control your cussing]er 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] Noo 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] he bitchchecker why turn it off, you should turn it off 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] you're afraid 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] i don't wanna hack like this if he hides like a girl behind a fire wall 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] elch turn off your shit wall! 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] i wanted to say something about this, do you know  the definition of hacking??? if he turns of the firewall that's an  invitation and that has nothing to do with hacking 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] shut up 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] lol 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] my grandma surfs with fire wall 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] and you suckers think you're cool and don't dare going into the internet without a fire wall 
    [COLOR=#8b4513][B]He calls me girly and says only his grandma would use a firewall. I know  that elder people are much more intelligent then younger, but I  couldn't let that rest. To see whether he really is a good hacker I lie  and let everything as it is. I don't have a firewall at all, only my  router. [/B][/COLOR]
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] bitchchecker, a collegue showed me how to turn the firewall off. Now you can try again 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] bitchhacker can't hack 
        [COLOR=#800000]<Black<TdV>>[/COLOR] nice play on words ^^ 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] wort man 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] bitchchecker: I'm still waiting for your attack! 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] how many times again he is no hacker 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] man do you want a virus 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] tell me your ip and it deletes your hard drive 
        [COLOR=#008000]<Metanot>[/COLOR] lol ne give it up i'm a hacker myself and i know how  hackers behave and i can tell you 100.00% you're no hacker..^^ 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] it's easy 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] lolololol you so stupid man you'll be gone 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] and are the first files being deleted 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] mom... 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] i'll take a look 
    [COLOR=#8b4513][B]In panic I started the Windows Explorer, my heart beating faster. Had I under-estimated him? [/B][/COLOR]
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] don't need to rescue you can't son of a bitch 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] that's bad 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] elch you idiout your hard drive g: is deleted 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] yes, there's nothing i can do about it 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] and in 20 seconds f: is gone 
    [COLOR=#8b4513][B]Yes, true, G: and F: were gone. Did I ever have them? Doesn't matter, I  did not have time to think, I was scared. bitchchecker was comforting me  with a music tip. [/B][/COLOR]
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] tupac rules 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] elch you son of a bitch your f: is gone and e: too 
    [COLOR=#8b4513][B]Drive E[IMG][/IMG]  Oh my god... All the games are there! And the vacation pictures! I  instantly take a look. Everything still there. But the hacker said it  was deleted.... 
    Or isn't it happening on my computer? [/B][/COLOR]
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] and d: is at 45% you idiot lolololol 
        [COLOR=#ff8c00]<He>[/COLOR] why doesn't meta say anything 
        [COLOR=#ff0000]<Elch>[/COLOR] he's probably rolling on the floor laughing 
        [COLOR=#800000]<Black<TdV>>[/COLOR] ^^ 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] your d: is gone 
        [COLOR=#ff8c00]<He>[/COLOR] go on BITCH 
    The guy is good: My CD-drive is allegedly deleted! Bitchchecker turned  my ancient disk sucker into a burner! But how did he do this? I'll have  to ask him. Some encourage him. He himself is giving advice how to avoid  the disaster on my hard drives. [/B][/COLOR]
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] elch man you're so stupid never give your ip on the internet 
        [COLOR=#ee82ee]<bitchchecker>[/COLOR] i'm already at c: 30 percent 
    [COLOR=#8b4513][B]Should I tell him he's not attacking my computer? [/B][/COLOR]
        * [COLOR=#ee82ee]bitchchecker[/COLOR] ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#) 
    [COLOR=#8b4513][B]Too late... It's 20:22 when we get the last message of our hacker with  the alias "bitchchecker". We see that he has a "Ping timeout". We  haven't seen him since then... must be the Daylight Saving Time[/B][/COLOR].


    HW: v3n0m4, Mattdog, Xeder

    Re: The epic convos thread !

    20:37:10 ?+[myg0t]ConArtist? i have had boners
    20:37:15 ?+[myg0t]ConArtist? which will knock your socks off
    20:43:53 ?+d3? a whole sock or maybe just the tip?
    Originally posted by extern4ever
    weaboo assburger world


      Re: The epic convos thread !

      Originally posted by p0mf View Post
      20:37:10 ?+[myg0t]ConArtist? i have had boners
      20:37:15 ?+[myg0t]ConArtist? which will knock your socks off
      20:43:53 ?+d3? a whole sock or maybe just the tip?
      I've read better ToS than that. - Reason for my groan.

      Originally posted by Tom
      Your days of trolling on this forum are now over. Troll one more person and its a permanent ban.



        Re: The epic convos thread !


        HW: v3n0m4, Mattdog, Xeder


          Re: The epic convos thread !


          HW: v3n0m4, Mattdog, Xeder


            Re: The epic convos thread !

            I WISH I WAS THE TRUEST TRU OF TRUS: why did you post the nospread codenz?
            I WISH I WAS THE TRUEST TRU OF TRUS: also it can be done more easily
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: done more easily ?
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: it just iteratively bruteforces the correct angle
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: and the correct way is not easy
            I WISH I WAS THE TRUEST TRU OF TRUS: without bruteforce
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: since you're in the know
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: why don't you show me what i already know
            I WISH I WAS THE TRUEST TRU OF TRUS: I'm not saying that I know stuff that you don't already know
            I WISH I WAS THE TRUEST TRU OF TRUS: But I'm pretty sure you can calculate the angles the server would calc get the difference between yours with the correct forward vec
            I WISH I WAS THE TRUEST TRU OF TRUS: and add that to your spread angles
            I WISH I WAS THE TRUEST TRU OF TRUS: after 5 times doing that the spread forward should be pretty close to your original forward
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: guffaw douche
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: read my code
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: does that, any questions ?
            I WISH I WAS THE TRUEST TRU OF TRUS: well it can be done with less code, but I don't know much about the 1.6 spread so maybe I'm missing something
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: wrong again
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: the right angle is the yaw
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: the up angle is the pitch
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: you adjust your angles on those
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: and compare the forward
            BYTE ME AKA WORD UP AKA NIBBLES N BITS: stop talking out your ass
            Stacks of Federal Reserve Bank Notes on the back deck.


              Re: The epic convos thread !

              Old but gold, I've seen that last time like 2006 or 2007

              Never tell your password to anyone.
              7. tammikuuta 2013
              18:59 - relaxeN1337: well , have you maybe now got 5 min for my problem?^^
              18:59 - undead.: I'm not really sure why I should support your potentially commercial products since you're so awesome coder already according to all your fanboys on internet
              19:05 - relaxeN1337: well its just one line , and the rest of the d3d menu ik made myself
              19:13 - undead.: carry on
              19:18 - relaxeN1337: without help a bit hard. ... for this step...
              19:18 - undead.: So far I have not seen a single line of codens / explanation of issue
              19:18 - relaxeN1337: ok i start with it now:
              19:21 - relaxeN1337: i coded with direct3d, a menu like i said, now in 2 functions i got a convert error, but i think the problem is in my syntax, but i dont find it since 2 days. The Problem is a RECTANGLE: the codens in my void is: RECT rct = (x-120, x+120, y+15) and it means, that the compiler can not convert RECT into integer, i checked out the header of the rect ... well there are longs in it, i tried to change in integer, but it doesnt change...
              19:22 - relaxeN1337: when i try to compile it as a DLL, it works without errors, but in a console application i get the error.
              19:22 - undead.: what, how are you trying to use it
              19:23 - relaxeN1337: wait i copy it to pastebin
              19:24 - relaxeN1337:
              19:26 - relaxeN1337: error: C2440 Initialisation int can not be converted to RECT/D3DRECT
              19:28 - relaxeN1337: intellisense means, For the Conversion from int to "tagRECT" is no matching constructor there, like i said i tried to chagne the constructors but it didnt change..
              19:29 - undead.: let me guess, line 10 gives you this error
              19:30 - relaxeN1337: yea line 4 and line 10
              19:30 - relaxeN1337: but they are almost same
              19:31 - undead.: oh yeah and line 4 is wrong too lol
              19:31 - undead.: and you're actually considering to start selling again?
              19:32 - relaxeN1337: well since about 4 months its just for mates, if i sell it for not that much of money, maybe for the prices of the database .
              19:32 - relaxeN1337: maybe 10 $ for lifetime?
              19:33 - undead.: maybe you go back to programming courses before continuing with game hacking lol
              19:33 - relaxeN1337: well i restart programming courses, at the end of the year, have to because my work
              19:34 - relaxeN1337: i am informatic worker in a business where i live
              19:34 - relaxeN1337: but +system integration -programming
              19:35 - relaxeN1337: got the error , or are you stuck as me?
              19:35 - undead.: Yes I know what is wrong with your code
              19:36 - undead.: or well it's public code so I'm not sure how you managed to copypaste it wrong
              19:36 - undead.: at line 10 you're missing one parameter totally
              19:36 - undead.: and at both lines you're using wrong bracets
              19:36 - relaxeN1337: {}
              19:36 - undead.: mhm
              19:37 - relaxeN1337: what is wrong with the parameters
              19:37 - undead.: it requires 4, you're using 3
              undead. has changed their name to badsters queen-repping acc.
              19:38 - relaxeN1337: well bot=top left=right
              19:38 - badsters queen-repping acc: God, RECT has 4 member variables, you're only passing 3
              19:39 - badsters queen-repping acc: however at line 4 you're doing it correctly, only you're using wrong bracets there
              relaxeN1337 is now Offline.
              relaxeN1337 is now Online.
              19:43 - relaxeN1337: sorry pc crash :o
              19:44 - relaxeN1337: and well thanks, i totally forgot that rect is an array...
              19:44 - badsters queen-repping acc: no, you're an array
              19:44 - relaxeN1337: (initialises an array=
              His new site :
              I'm sure we all can soon download his leet VIP hack cracked + leaked from our HL2 public hacks -section AS ALWAYS.
              lolmaoman: Germans are born with a lifetime x22 login engraved into their birth certificates. True story.


                Re: The epic convos thread !

                Crack it and leak to EAC developer ( xliqz and myself ) and I'll gladly forward to xliqz and we'll detect it together.



                  Re: The epic convos thread !

                  Originally posted by wav View Post
                  Crack it and leak to EAC developer ( xliqz and myself ) and I'll gladly forward to xliqz and we'll detect it together.

                  It's probably not even EAC-proof or then he has luckily managed to play with it without being gebant from secure server.
                  lolmaoman: Germans are born with a lifetime x22 login engraved into their birth certificates. True story.


                    Re: The epic convos thread !

                    Originally posted by mencore View Post
                    It's probably not even EAC-proof or then he has luckily managed to play with it without being gebant from secure server.
                    Actually I would wager it's just a matter of adding it to the DB and then it's done and dusted.

