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Some Questions Before Buying.

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    Some Questions Before Buying.

    Okay, so i've got some questions.

    1. Does the hack go offline when the admin suspects it may be detected?
    2. Did anybody get banned from using it?
    3. Is there a 'legit' config on the hack?
    4. Is it coded in Ring0?
    5. Should i make another account for CSS just in-case? Because this one im using right now has all valve VAC games and if i get banned i wont be able to play other games.
    6. How long is the activation?

    Re: Some Questions Before Buying.

    1.If V3noma doesnt make really stupid mistakes and as long as vac isnt allowed to scan Ring 0 drivers section, Royal hack is never detected.
    2.There were some people like 10 of 1000 getting banned from the old release but I and many other people used the old release to and didnt get banned so they probably did something else.
    3.Of course... you can write your own configs.
    4.Yes it is.
    5.You can make another account but if you get banned in css you only get banned on the orangebox engine games(so you are still able to play the other games)
    6.1-3 days

    So yeah
    Buy it
    Now! :D Its worth it


      Re: Some Questions Before Buying.

      1. no
      2. yes, been detected two times since 2007
      3. you have to make your config yourself, there's no default rage/legit settings
      4. loader ring 0, hack ring 3
      5. no, i'm using the hack on a 2k3 account
      6. paypal is instant, else you gotta have to wait venoma to active you. however, you'll need to validate your hwid and this process generally takes 1/3 days, if you lucky enough you can get your hwid validated in less than a day.

