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My testimonial.

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    My testimonial.

    This is my testimonial about the hack.

    I only use the hack to rage, so if you want a legit testimonial about the hack, go look somewhere else.
    The aimbot is fast, but has bad prediction and it has bad target selection.
    The hack has autowall but it doesn't function properly, the few times it works, it's more often than not trying to shoot through unpenetrable walls.
    Overall, it's good for raging pubs, but it could be better. 6/10

    The ESP is ugly as fuck, and most of the features will violently rape you fps. Chamz are broken for me atm, and so is alot of other ESP features. 3/10

    The hack has a ring 0 driver which makes the hack untouchable by VAC's current detection methods, which is good, but it also makes it hard to get the hack running on your PC because you need to disable shit and do some other shit first. 9/10

    Random misc shit in hack:
    Triggerbot is unusable, pure shit, needs to be fixed.
    The antiaim doens't really help too much, but it's useful some times, it also makes it so you can't climb ladders and you walk slowly and you walk slightly to the left/right.
    Winamp control is simply awesome, nothing more to it.
    Tetris and Snake is also awesome.
    Being able to change the colour of almost everything and being able to change the fonts of the text is great, but it's hard to do because opening the menu drops your fps by like 10 or so.
    Radar, is nice, can be resized and placed everywhere.
    Plugin system is good, but it also gives the devs a excuse for not making their own plugins for another game because anyone else can do it too.
    Overall, 8/10

    The forum in itself is great, there's no "z0mg dun menteeon other hagz or we ban u k" rules, everyone is allowed to talk about whatever they want to talk about. There's trading and selling, posting cracked c+p hacks and a evil zone [is hidden now but still accessable].
    But, most of the members here seems to be 12 year old german kids who has the english skills of a tree, idiots who thinks Venoma or Matt can do everything instantly, and last but not least, tons retards that don't know how to use the fucking search button.

    Even though this testimonial might seem a bit harsh and not very positive, I still recommend you buy this hack, you most certainly get what you pay for, even more.

    TL;DR: 8/10, buy the fucking hack.

    P.S: I wrote this while I was extremly tired, any miss spellings/grammar fails are caused by that, and I'm a swefag so my english is bad by defualt.
    Originally posted by extern4ever
    weaboo assburger world

    Re: My testimonial.

    Thank you for your testimonial but 1 question:
    How can you say the triggerbot is rubbish, when it work 100%?


      Re: My testimonial.

      Originally posted by Rudolf123 View Post
      How can you say the triggerbot is rubbish, when it work 100%?
      It prefires, perfect triggerbot only works when you turn nospread and norecoil on, so you can't use your aimbot at the same time without shaking like a motherfucker, and it doens't shoot for the head.
      Originally posted by extern4ever
      weaboo assburger world


        Re: My testimonial.

        Originally posted by .mp3 View Post
        It prefires, perfect triggerbot only works when you turn nospread and norecoil on, so you can't use your aimbot at the same time without shaking like a motherfucker, and it doens't shoot for the head.
        Well it is still not rubbish, cause it is still rare that it prefires, and yea I also hate that you need to turn on norecoil and nospread aswell, but the word: RUBBISH is too much said
        And I won't say that it needs a fix either, just a fine adjustment


          Re: My testimonial.

          i agree, the triggerbot is crap sometimes he does not fire etc. not comparable with other triggerbots/hacks.. :)

          best regards,

          Originally posted by GT3X
          ich schlach euch abgefuckte kiddys alle windelweich man wos euer problem ihr abgeranzten abgefuckten buschbimbos aus somalia MAN ICH RAST SO AUS


            Re: My testimonial.

            Thanks for good testimonial, this help me. :)

